RESIDHERE PT is RB Group’s product line developed specifically for adhesive applications.

Applications: They can be used on PSA adhesives, hotmelt adhesives, adhesive papers, labels, and other adhesives in general.
Properties: The products of the RESIDHERE PT line have excellent adhesion. Among the main characteristics are excellent adhesion and cohesion, and good resistance to yellowing and heating. They are compatible with several natural and synthetic rubbers. Soluble in esters, ethers, ketones, aromatic and aliphatic solvents.
(Typical Values)
RESIDHERE PT 95 H90 - 10015 max2 - 3Download PDF
RESIDHERE PT 97 HP97 - 10520 max2 - 3Grupo RB
RESIDHERE PT 98 H90 - 10515 max2 - 3Download PDF
RESIDHERE PT 100 H98 - 10310 max3 - 4Download PDF
RESIDHERE PT 100 HP104 min10 max3 - 4Download PDF
RESIDHERE PT 105 H95 - 1103 max4 - 5Download PDF
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