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leader in
natural resins
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leader in
natural resins

Global leader in the production of rosin, rosin resins, turpentine and terpene derivatives

NOVA_Cadeia Produtiva PC_01
Seeds, Seedlings & Products

With over 35 years of investment in research and development, our exclusive Genetic Improvement Program has excelled in creating more productive and profitable pine forests. Achieving superior economic and operational results throughout the forestry cycle.

NOVA_Cadeia Produtiva PC_02
Forest Planting & Management

The forests under the RB Group's management, in addition to our genetically improved seedlings, are subjected to strict silvicultural management in order to maximize the production of gum resin and high-quality wood. Our FSC®-certified forestry base is subject to strict silvicultural management, guaranteeing the highest standards of sustainability for our forests, which are environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable.

NOVA_Cadeia Produtiva PC_03
resin tapping
Stretching and Collection

The resining tapping process begins with the groove in the tree trunk and later the gum resin is collected, to supply the factories of the RB Group.

NOVA_Cadeia Produtiva PC_04
Itabox & Wood Sale

At the end of the resining cycle, the trees are felled to replant the new forest. Part of the wood produced is used to sell and supply Itabox, the RB Group's furniture industry.

NOVA_Cadeia Produtiva PC_05
Pitch, Pitch Resins, Turpentine & Terpene Derivatives

The RB Group, recognized as a global leader in Natural Resins, has 15 industrial units, 08 of which are Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) Chain of Custody certified. Present in Brazil and Europe, our industrial facilities stand out for their technological efficiency, which enables us to offer the highest quality products to our customers around the world.

NOVA_Cadeia Produtiva PC_06
Sweet Gum & Cafosa

Our food sector, represented by Sweet Gum and Cafosa, makes us the largest producer of chewing gum base in the world. Committed to our customers' satisfaction, we incorporate the most advanced and safest technologies available in the chewing gum industry, which allows us to provide services and a wide variety of products with superior quality and performance.

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